Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Well,I have been in St.Xavier's Institution *secondary* for 5 years already.It's shame to say that one of the places i least go to in the school is the LIBRARY.Today,Adam asked me to accompany him to the library to return his books.As I enter the library,I had a feeling that I must find a book to read.After some reccomendation from Adam,I took the book titled To Cut A Long Story Short.

Hmm..me promoting the book..

04007-student card number

I haven't read it yet but I will be writing a review of it in the future and hopefully I will like the book..hehe..

Inter Class Competition:Volleyball

Inter class.I took part in that competition since form 1 till form 5.Normally,especially for football..most of them would like to brag about how good their team is and finally lose wan.Since form 1 till form 4,i took part in the football competition,but for this year i decided to take part in the volleyball competition.On the competition day,i did not really felt like staying back for the game because it was raining heavily throughout the whole morning.After some 'persuasion' from Alvin,I decided to stay back and I told him that it would not rain anymore since I am staying back.True enough,it did not rain throughout the competition.Sadly,my team,5S1,lost to 5A2.

1st set= 25:15
2nd set= 15:25
3rd set= 13:15

Well that's my inter class competition,it will be my last one unless i come back for Form 6.What's next?INTER BOARDS!!!!and i will be playing FOOTBALL!!!!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

So Fast.....


It's already June now.Now I am getting what the others are trying to say,time waits for no one.It has been one heck of a period since the starting of the year till now.I guess since this is the busiest year among all my school years.I got promoted to secretary for the Red Crescent Society,continued my job as form representative for the Board's of Class Monitors from last year.One of my greatest achievement for this year is I had the chance to organise my own camp.Another one and a half month to go and I will retire.By that time I will be glad that it's over but then it's also sad because I had so much fun too.Well,everything must come to an end.Can't wait for the AGM for the Boards of Disciplinarians and the Red Crescent Society.After that,there will only be SPM left to finish off this year.


Went to youtube,i typed parody and saw this fella called Pablo Francisco.Damn,he is good.Gotta admire him.But then i will be able to be like him also wan la in my DREAMS.Well,there are more of his clips in youtube.Hope you guys enjoy it!!